Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm just starting this for me

I'm not much into 'hey look at me' with anyone outside of my family. Since my family is kinda scattered around the US, I thought this might be a better way of sharing some of what I create with them.
I look at other blogs for ideas and if I blatantly copy someone's design, I will always give them credit with a link. There are a lot of very talented folks out there and I just dabble so to pay them proper homage is only right.
I scrap, stamp and play til I get bored, then I do it a little more. I love sharing what I have made with people I care about. I like knowing something I made may make them smile.
If you happen to have popped by and you see something you like, let me know. I offer all of my ideas and images for free for anyone to use however they want.

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife to a silly man and we have a house full of furry animals. I wouldn't have it any other way.