Friday, January 22, 2010

3 CCF cards from this morning

Each one of these is for a different mission.

This one is for a 16 yr old girl who just moved to TX from AK on her 16th bday and hasn't made any friends yet.

The inside reads: I would have made a fancier card, but my cat kept sitting on it.

This one is for a man who just lost his 3 yr old grandson to a gunshot. :(

And this last one is for a young lady in her mid 20s who has made some bad choices, but is trying to turn her life around.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CCF card for a 3 yr old girl with cancer

Hopefully this will brighten her day during her treatments.

75th Anniversary card requested through CCF

I had fun with this one, because 75 years together is such an inspiration.

About Me

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I'm a wife to a silly man and we have a house full of furry animals. I wouldn't have it any other way.